Systems: Three Interconnected Pillars For Business Rhythm

Last week we shared a snap-shot of Three Interconnected Pillars For Business Rhythm. What was one discovery you had from last week’s blog? Today, we are going to drill down and expand more on Systems. Next week, we will unpack People.

Three Pillars for Rhythm:

1.)  System

2.)  People

3.)  Culture

“To hedge effectively, you have to reject the silo mentality and instead embrace the systems thinking mentality.” Hendrith Smith, CEO Mayflower Plymouth

System:  “A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.” American Heritage Dictionary

A system could be the interaction and interconnection of any part of your business to produce a result. If you desire to exponentially grow and develop rhythm, think systems.

Take inventory of your current systems. Which system is no longer effective? Which system can be adjusted to foster synergy between people to carry thriving culture? Let’s look at a possible simple SYSTEMS next step:

P. D. C. A.

Plan: Planning with intention to create systems. List your current systems that are working. Be patient in the process going from A to Z. Key: Inspire the why behind each existing and new system. Remember to keep the systems simple.

Do: Do the plan. Consider after the plan is refined and agreed upon to do the plan for a specific time frame. Remember that with new plans, your team needs to feel that they are a part of the process. Allow them to give feedback/testimonials.

Check: Check the plan. Ask for feedback. Put mechanisms in place to measure the results and effectiveness with each plan. How does your plan of action interconnect and influence other areas of your business? Is it creating rhythm?

Adjust: Adjust the plan towards thriving rhythm. What is working? What is not working? Involve your team and customers in the process of feedback. Just like in a vehicle going down the highway, we adjust to keep it between the lines. Is the new system growing effectiveness and profits, and is it adding value to your customers and clients?

Types of Possible Systems:

1.) Product or Service Systems: Your manufacturing systems/processes, installation of goods supplied, how the service is rendered.

2.) Information Systems: All data stored/shared with team and customers, purchasing, inventory, customer lead tracking, communication system.

3.) Culture Management Systems: The branding, language communicated, colors on print, decor, even dress code.

4.) People Development Systems: Weekly huddles, coaching, leadership development, team trainings, sales training and customer service training.

5.) Marketing Systems: Sales systems, sales training, social media content system, customer referral process, branding, language, dress code, vehicles, anything that customers may see, hear or experience.

6.) Financial Systems: Measure cost, budgets, purchase orders, estimation, manage chart of accounts, accounts payable, accounts receivable, employee cost, subcontractors, taxes, all things financial put into systems. Remember, haste makes waste.

7.) Research and Development: Having a system that allows growth with both existing and future products and services. Empower your team to create solutions.

“Functional things cannot thrive in dysfunctional systems.” Hendrith Smith, CEO Mayflower Plymouth


TRUFORTH would be honored to explore the possibilities with your personal and business vision!

You were born for greatness,

Ed Garner


People: Three Interconnected Pillars For Business Rhythm


Three Interconnected Pillars For Business Rhythm