New Season to Spring Forward

What Harvest Do You Desire? 

If you could harvest anything this year, what seeds would you plant? Desire a large harvest? Plant more seeds!

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” ~ Warren Bennis


Removing What Hinders Growth 

Spring time reminds me of all the excitement and expectations for the future harvest on a farm. Like the soil, our minds will return what we plant. I can remember the preparation of the soil before planting the seed. One thing we would do in spring is pick up rocks that hindered growth. Every year there was almost a cleansing by removing the rocks that would have surfaced.

  1. What rocks, if removed, would allow expanded leadership capacity? 

  2. What is the why behind the rock removal?


Adversity is Like Fertilizer 

Before planting and plowing, the soil was fertilized with manure. It’s interesting how the manure was plowed under to prepare for the seeds' nature to burst out of the seed. The manure was not put on top of the seed to smother the seeds germination, but was put on first to feed the seed to accelerate its growth. 

  1. How can adversity be like fertilizer or feedback fostering new growth in leadership?

  2. How could a shift in perspective towards adversity be a catalyst?


“Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” ~ Albert Einstein


Red Sky at Night, Sailors Delight
Working on a farm with large portions of land, we learned how to be aware of the weather and soil conditions for planting. Red sky at night usually meant the next morning was going to be a great day for the fields. Recognizing your timing is important for longevity of leadership. There are seasons for planting a harvest and a capacity for each field. There was always something so special after the seed was planted. We did not notice growth right away, but the seed was preparing to burst forward. 


     1. What do you see your investment of time and resources
          returning in new growth?

     2. How can you set your leadership and company apart by


The Nature Within a Seed

Each seed carries a multiplying nature within it. Take a moment and reflect on your past harvest… What was planted? I remember there were areas of the field that did not produce the same. It was not the seed, it was the soil the seed was planted in. How is the ecosystem: systems, people, culture and core values influencing the growth of the seeds planted? How could you invest time and resources with a new growth mindset? 


  1. What investment of time and leadership will foster greater growth?

  2. Like the mind returns what is planted, what seed can you plant to return the growth you desire?


“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.


Moving Forward

Maybe you have had a long winter, felt stuck, uncertain of what to do next? Others may be experiencing the best season of their lives. One thing I learned on the farm, the soil is going to return something. Either what the farmer plants or the wind blows in or the birds deliver. I heard a neurologist share with my father, MOVING is medicine. 


  1. How could you take a small step of faith forward?

  2. What one action could you take this spring to allow for growth?

  3. How could the influence of adversity actually fertilize new growth?


"The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership."   ~ Harvey S. Firestone

In this season of everything coming alive, remember, you are here for a purpose! Expect great things to happen! You got what it takes! From our family to yours, Happy Easter!


In Gratitude, 

Ed Garner


Components of Effective Leadership


What if Adversity is a Set Up for Growth?