How to Get Big Results - Part 7: Congruence

The ability to be congruent will magnify your capacity to increase your goal results leverage increase. Congruence is the quality of agreement. Think of congruence like the harmony from an orchestra that comes out of their quality of agreement. Another simple application is how a smile everywhere is congruent with mankind. A state of being that is not in conflict with the other. A simple word could be compatibility.

The Power of Time Congruence

One of our most precious gifts is TIME. Consider asking, what priorities if they were in alignment, would impact your daily results? Consider how the application of congruence is the concept of block scheduling, setting aside a specific amount of time consistently performing similar tasks of the same type. This could look like making follow up calls one call after another for that set time. Have a set time for a growth task and then a time for a management task. Ask how you can take a step of action to overcome avoidance? An extreme picture of what congruence is NOT, is jumping from one task to another frantically all day. You may find that multitasking is actually very taxing and exhausting!

"The shorter way to do many things is to only do one thing at a time."
- Mozart


A Time of Harvest

Working on the farm during the harvesting of wheat, we all worked in harmonious agreement bringing in the abundance of growth. We would all converge in congruence to recognize the moment of harvest and work like a symphony. At the end of the day, we all gathered eating watermelon, celebrating together the overflowing bins of wheat! Yes, there were other things on the task list, but harvest became a priority so we all focused our resources simultaneously. A key: Recognizing your harvest moments.

Consider Asking This Daily:

1. What’s really important now?
2. What growth activities will grow my business?
3. What could I delegate today?
4. What is my harvest today?

"Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time" - Jim Rohn


Boundaries to Protect Congruence

A professional athlete that moves in their personal rhythm consistently has learned through great coaching and personal habits how to define their congruence. Their ability to adapt, shift and be proactive to take steps each day, week and month to gain their stride keeps them on course to win or keeps them on course to make their goals. They develop a grit for the grind so to speak. To become really effective in your field in completing goals, consider boundaries to protect your congruence. Congruence then intertwined with the convergence of time, talent, roles, resources, process and purpose can bring in the exceptional harvest! Ever see the domino effect? All positioned in a way that each one working to touch the next one all working in congruence to create a result. They are set with a distance boundary to be able to influence the next domino. Boundaries can actually accelerate your influence.

Compass for Congruence

1. What are your instruments to navigate your day?
2. How can you set up mechanisms for feedback to adjust into the zone?
3. What simple habits can support your daily growth?
4. What environment can you create at home or business to thrive?
5. What if you invested 4.16% a day in your personal growth? That’s 1 hour out of 24 hours. A pilot knows to take care of the plane that carries the passengers.

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax." - Abraham Lincoln


Take Inventory

Now is the time to consider taking inventory! Seize the day! There are many options for you! How can you connect the dots with your purpose and your goals? Think for a moment, what do you have? What if you're standing now in the midst of acres of diamonds? It’s it possible that all it takes is some polishing and greatness is highlighted and multiplied? How can you take what
you have and put it on the potter's wheel for shaping?

Take action, you got what it takes!


How to Get Big Results - Part 8: Keep it Simple


How to Get Big Results - Part 6: Convergence and Congruence