How to Get Big Results - Part 6: Convergence and Congruence

Convergence and Congruence - New Goal Growth

To consistently accomplish something BIG and NEW requires a prioritization of time, energy and resources. Moving in convergence and congruence is the ability to harness holistically every part of your capacity and beingness and move simultaneously with significance, creating specific outcomes. With the constant requests in these areas of life, how do you manage all the access points? Many times to do something you never did, to grow beyond your current past history or comfort zone, requires us to do things we have never done. Have you ever worked on a project where it seemed like time stood still and everything was completed almost effortlessly? You laid your head down on the pillow, thinking, wow, I am tired, but I feel amazing!  But because progress took place, almost effortlessly you felt fulfilled!

In this week's snapshot, we will focus on and bring understanding to the importance of Convergence and next week on Congruence on how they work synergistically together. 



Convergence is the act of union or uniformity. A simple illustration is when many lanes on the highway converge to one lane. It's an intentional action moving forward in oneness, with all cylinders firing on optimal performance. A simple picture of convergence is a fire hose nozzle condensing lots of water into a tiny space to send it greater distances. Think of convergence where your time, talents, resources, energy, values, roles, emotions, are all synergistically in harmony working in rhythm together. 


Huddles Fuel Convergence 

Another practical way goals get fueled to completion is through the consistent tempo of collaborative solutions and committed action from team huddles. The real power with this principle is daily but weekly can be effective too. Think of a brief team huddle, bringing everyone together to foster the best within each teammate cheerleading powerful convergence to create exceptional results. One application in the huddle is intentionally highlighting small acts of growth going in the right direction. The team begins to connect the dots. Remind the team what the bigger vision is with inspiration. 

Laser Focus 

A laser brings immense light energy condensed to a small area. To create results with committed action, how could you take steps to create harmony with your time, values, energy and resources to complete new goals, new assignments, and new advancement? Think for a moment why a laser is so effective. It concentrates all its energy in a small area called optical amplification. To foster this, possibly ask the team in the huddle one simple question, who would like to celebrate a teammate or a win from yesterday? This can begin to build a positive culture.


Optimal Synergy

1. Your vision is what it will look like after it’s complete. How could your time, resources and talent operate in harmony to build the bigger vision?


2. The Golden Gate Bridge has thousands of steel cables synergistically working together in oneness to hold the bridge. How could you take all the components of your systems, people and culture and integrate them together?


3. A swan swims with poise across the water. How could you move in positive action with greater harmony, grace, and poise to complete those vision building tasks? 


The Energy Factor

How many desire to run with greater vigor, energy and vitality? An application of convergence will add greater fuel to your purpose and congruence would be steering your purpose into fulfillment. Recently watching a football game, when there was a fumble, every player converged towards the football. They went into passionate action converging towards the ball. They displayed congruence with their time, energy and talent seizing the moment. Congruence, partnering with convergence, will foster maximum potential for greater results. 

I encourage you to take inventory of all your intangible and tangible assets and ask how they can work efficiently and effectively together creating greater results. I want to encourage you, now is your time to explore and expand your capacity. You are not your past, you have a dynamic hope and a future.

You got what it takes!

Ed Garner


How to Get Big Results - Part 7: Congruence


How to Get Big Results - Part 5: Overcoming the Tyranny of How