Power of Gratitude

Ed's Heart on the Richness From Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

In this season of thanksgiving and reflection, my heart is filled with the deepest gratitude! Perhaps gratitude is one of the richest attributes/values that repositions our heart and thinking. Gratitude builds a framework to display life on a canvas.

Reflecting during this season of Thanksgiving, I am so grateful for my wife, Patty, our three married children and their spouses and our grandchildren. I am so thankful for each one of you and your hearts to grow and expand your lives and businesses to make a difference. 


Like business and nature, we know there are seasons. Some of those seasons can be stormy and you wonder if you have enough strength to stand and keep going and others may be in a season like resting on a beach of tranquility.


My Dad always said, “No storm lasts, then comes the rainbow.” I have just walked through a very stormy season personally, and now I see and am experiencing the rainbow of promise reflecting brightly. I am very grateful for my wife, Patty, our family and friends for all their loving kindness and support. I am grateful for the faithfulness of God.


Scientists say the wind from storms are what help to strengthen the roots of trees and thicken the bark for protection. Strong roots allow the tree to grow and stand even taller. If you're going through a storm, you're heading towards a promise. No storm lasts, you are not your storm. 


I heard it said, whatever we feed will grow, and whatever we search for, we will eventually find. Consider taking some time during this Thanksgiving season to make an active gratitude list. Then feed your gratitude list by adding and dwelling on that list. One way we can challenge our inner voice is with the lens of gratitude. Possibly go on a treasure hunt searching for as many nuggets of gratitude you can find. Uncover and unpack these treasures of gratitude by reading and speaking about them. Consider, the moment you wake up, to position your mind each day with a short, verbal statement of gratitude.


What if this is a set up for your new year? During your treasure hunt, maybe there is a highlight or pattern or purpose you discover that’s setting you up for an extraordinary year! I heard it once said by Doris Day, that “Gratitude is riches and complaining is poverty.”


I am looking forward to all the possibilities of finishing this year strong with you and launching a momentous, flourishing new year! Thank you for the honor of partnering with you and your vision! We rise by lifting others up higher. Your acts of kindness towards others are making a difference. Know you have an amazing future and hope!


“We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walk through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” ~ Victor E. Frankl


“When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.” 

~ Victor E. Frankl


In Gratitude,


Ed Garner


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