How to Get Big Results - Part 5: Overcoming the Tyranny of How

Accomplishing goals consistently requires overcoming the tyranny of HOW. Do you find yourself stuck searching for that perfect approach, technique, technology, mechanism, algorithm, viral video or trend? Ever find yourself over thinking and repeating that mental movie over and over again?

We have a family tradition of decorating a Christmas tree after Thanksgiving. We had our grandson with us, who just turned three years old, and the moment the boxes of decorations came out, his curiosity launched him. It’s like he knew what to do and just started, with the biggest smile reaching into the ornament box and hanging the ornaments on the tree. We smiled and flowed with this precious moment, without over analyzing it, enjoying being in the moment, and before we knew it, the tree was fully decorated!

What is the Tyranny of How?

Tyranny is an oppressive, harsh or rigorous force. If the tyranny of HOW settles in, it can restrict and rob the enjoyment and growth on the journey of completing goals. Life is full of many variables, and the tyranny of how can be rooted in perfectionism. Perfectionism can say, well, if this takes place, then I will take the next step, or if I learn one more thing, then I can start. Or when it looks like this or that, then I can begin. By taking action with that first step, you can begin to break off a limitation in thinking and stagnation. What if some of your goals can be started today by SIMPLY opening the ornament box? Our three year old grandson just started hanging ornaments. He did not have a three point action plan. He just had curiosity and an atmosphere of holiday cheer. With his biggest smile, he hung ornaments, and we celebrated with him!

Choosing and Moving

I know this is over simplified, but what is that step of action you can take today? Action has a way of opening up new doors of opportunity. In your business or organization, what if part of
actually figuring out the best approach is just choosing and moving with that first step of action. We chose to get the boxes of ornaments out and our grandson just instinctively knew to start
hanging. The tyranny of how could have shown up and robbed us of this beautiful experience with our grandson by reacting; don’t hang the ornament here or there and before you know it, frustration could have been our experience instead of great joy and laughter.

“You’ll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind.” – Irish Proverb


Overcoming the Delay of Analysis of Paralysis

First, let’s expose analysis of paralysis. It describes an individual or group of people who get stuck in action over analyzing or overthinking with indecision. In other words, growth gets stagnant, doubt, fear, and frustration creeps in. The more it’s fed, the more it feels like it's spiraling out of control. One way to overcome this is set a date, set a timer, create a bit of urgency, and shift from a maybe to a must, possibly even sharing your goal with a friend.
I know this may be an oversimplification, but I can remember my dad on a job site needing a short ditch dug and the backhoe got delayed. He asked a few guys if they would use a shovel, but they complained and nitpicked. My dad needed to be ready for the utilities so he started digging the old fashion way with a shovel. He modeled movement, action and attitude getting the job done. He was ready for the utilities when they came.

“Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.” – Peter Marshall

Excellence versus Perfection

My mentor wrote a book called, “If How To's Were Enough We Would All be Skinny, Rich and Happy.” Consider this on a practical level of overcoming the tyranny of how. When we walk in a room, we all hit the light switch and instantly the lights come on. It’s movement, it’s action and a flip of the switch. It’s a small action changing the atmosphere of the room. In an applicable way, excellence is doing your best, perfection is believing you are not good enough, or it’s not good enough, therefore, the inaction fosters negativity and stagnation of growth. Let’s dive into five keys to flip the switch today, moving your goals forward. 

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Joe Sabah

Flip The Switch - Take Action

Flip the Switch One:

Take The First Step: What one step of action could you take with your goal today that would begin movement?

Flip the Switch Two:

Positive Emotions: What one positive emotion could you manifest today advancing your goal forward?

Flip the Switch Three:

Core Values: What one core value could you carry as your context today? Examples: Gratitude,
Honor, Love or Peace.

Flip the Switch Four:

Healthy Choices: What one choice could you make today to feed and fuel action towards your

Flip the Switch Five:

Positive, Life-Giving Words: Our words are powerful! Consider practicing only speaking positive, life-giving words for today. What if, in every conversation, you only spoke words of life and honor?

“Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” – Wayne Dyer

We know life can throw unexpected curveballs. I encourage you
to take a step of action today to stand at the plate and swing for the fence even as curveballs are thrown. Every great batter hits
thousands of curveballs in practice to prepare them for the stadium.

You're so important and a gift to the world.

Take action today!

Ed Garner


How to Get Big Results - Part 6: Convergence and Congruence


Power of Gratitude